
[Reprint] Einstein's third lecture _1781013045

Original address: Einstein's third lecture author: Tiger tank ambition "I never put at ease and happy as the purpose of life itself �� the ethical basis, I told him the ideal pig bar. Light my way, and continually give me new courage to face life with pleasure, the ideal is goodness, beauty and truth. If no like-minded cordial feelings between, but that was absorbed in the objective world �� the science and art of work areas never to object, in my opinion, life will be empty. They strive for the goal of the vulgar �C property, vanity, a life of luxury �C I always think is contemptible. "" The school objective should be to foster independent and the independent, these people to serve society as their highest value of life. "�� �� �� �� �� �� �� �� �� �� �� �� �� �� �� �� �� �� �� �� �� �� �� �� �� �� �� �� �� �� �� �� �� �� �� �� �� �� �� ��Mortgage Loans Bad Credit �� �� �� �� florida accident attorney- (Lecbeverly hills plastic surgeryture): I of belief �� Einstein 1921 Nobel Physics Prize speech we die man's destiny is how strange! everyone in this world is only for a short stay; the purpose is not known, although sometimes thinks that if. However, you do not have to think about, as long as you can from everyday life: one is to understand others and survival �� first, as some people like that, their joy and healthy relationship with all our own happiness; and then is as many as we do not know that their destiny through the bond of sympathy with our close together. Every day hundreds of times I remind myself: my spiritual and material life depend on others (including the living and the dead), I must try to take the same component to reward I received and still receive. I strongly desire a simple life, I think class distinction is unreasonable, it is by virtue of end to violence. I also believe that simple simplicity of life, whether physically or mentally, for everyone is useful. I do not believe that the mankind will have that kind of philosophical sense of freedom. Everyone's behavior, not only from an outside force, but also adapt to the inevitable inside. Schopenhauer (Schopenhauer) said, "one can do what he wants to do, but not to what he wanted. "�� this sentence from my youth, I was a very real inspiration; in their lives with others facing difficult times, it always makes me comfort and will always be a source of tolerance. This experience can be lenient to mitigate that easily daunting responsibility, or you can prevent our too seriously themselves and others; it also leads to a special status due to humor. To pursue one's own or all the biological survival of the meaning or purpose, from an objective point of view, I think it is foolish. But everyone has a certain vision of the ideal decision with his efforts and determine the direction. In this sense, I never put at ease and happy as the purpose of life itself �� the ethical basis, I told him the ideal pig bar. Light my way, and continually give me new courage to face life with pleasure, the ideal is goodness, beauty and truth. If no like-minded cordial feelings between, but that was absorbed in the objective world �� the science and art of work areas never to object, in my opinion, life will be empty. They strive for the goal of the vulgar �C property, vanity, a life of luxury �C I always think is contemptible. I am on social justice and a strong sense of social responsibility, with my obvious to others and society in direct contact with indifference, which always form a strange contrast. I really is a "visitor" alone, I have not wholeheartedly belong to my country, my family, my friends and even my closest relatives; in front of all these relationships, I always feel a certain distance and the need to remain alone �� and this feeling is increasing with the years. People will clearly find that with other people's mutual understanding and harmonization is limited, but this is not sufficient. Such a person is undoubtedly a bit lost his innocent and carefree mood; but on the other hand, he can to a large extent, not others ' opinions, habits and judgment, and not to the temptation to his inner balance established in this way some unreliable. My political ideal is democratic. Let everyone be respected as individuals and not let anyone become a God. I myself was excessive admiration and respect, this is not due to my own fault, nor is it due to my own merit, but it is an irony of fate. The reason probably lies in the fact that people have a desire to understand my own modest contribution to the struggle by constantly for a few ideas, but the desire of many people have failed to achieve. I fully understand that an organization to achieve its purpose, there must be a person to think, to go to the command, and fully assume the responsibility. But the leadership of people should not be forced, they must have the possibility to choose their own leaders. In my opinion, compel the autocracy can quickly degenerate. Because of the violence that has some of the tips are always, poor moral character and I believe that the genius of tyrants always inherited by rogue, this is a difficult history. It is for this reason, I always strongly oppose today we in Italy and Russia seeThat kind of system. �� there today as Europe, makes democratic form was called into question, which cannot be attributed to the principles of democracy itself, but because the Government instability and elections has nothing to do with personal characteristics. I believe that the United States in this regard have found the right path. They elect a President for a period of long enough, he has the full authority to actually fulfil his duties. On the other hand, in Germany's political system ��, my attention is that it is a relief of the sick or needy made broader provisions. In human life magnificent ranks, I feel that truly valuable, not political, but creative, expressive personal is the personality; only individuals can create a noble and great things, but the masses themselves thinking is always slow, feels it is dull. �� speak here, I think people living in the worst kind, that is making my dislike of the military regime. One can, as a military firepower in the fourth line road, in which alone is enough to make me look down on him. He so long a brain, just misunderstanding; only a spinal cord can meet all his needs. Civilized countries of the evil of iniquity shall be eliminated as soon as possible. By command of bravery, senseless violence, and all in the name of patriotism, cruel prank, all of which makes me hate! it seems to me that the war is despicable, nasty! I would rather be a thousand knives million shave to participation in such hateful acts. �� Notwithstanding, I am human evaluation is still very high, I believe that, if the feelings of the people's health has not been through the school and the newspaper and the role of commercial interests and political interests be systematic destruction, war of the monsters that died out long ago. We can have the best experience is the experience of the mystery. It is a real art and adhere to in real scientific basic feelings on the cradle. Anyone experience to it, whoever will no longer have the curiosity and you no longer have the feeling of surprise, he is dead, his eyes are blurred. It is this mysterious experience �� though mixed with terror �� have had a religious. We recognize that certain as we can see things exist, feel that only in its most primitive form as we feel the most profound reason and most splendid beauty �� it is this knowledge and this emotion constitute a genuine religious feelings; in this sense, and it is in this sense, I am one with deep religious feeling. I cannot imagine a will of their creation to reward and punishment of God, also could not imagine it would be like in our own experience to a will. I can't go to imagine a person in flesh death will continue to live; for those vulnerable souls, because of fear or because of the ridiculous but I on, to get this idea when baby! I just satisfied with the mystery of life eternal, satisfied with the existing world of magical sense, see it's a squamous cell scraps and sincere effort to understand the nature of the logos displayed, even if only a very small part of it, my happiness. [Comment] �� Schopenhauer the German original version is: "kann Ein Mensch, was er will zwartun, nichi wollen aber, was erwill." �� Compiled by �� during the second world war, Einstein recognized him in the war for a long period under the influence of anti-Soviet propaganda, and later his views on the question with some changes. See his 1942 on 25 October in the United States "Jewish support Russian war Association" a banquet speech and 1950 16 March to the United States anti-communist "theorists" hook of a letter. �� Compiled by �� refers to 1918 the first world war to establish, at the end of 1933 was Hitler's overthrow "Weimar (Weimar) Republic." This article was originally published with the "Germany's political system", but "our political system." �� Compiled by �� Einstein as witnessed the spread of Germany militarism and fascists the spread of the plague, the masses and mass movements have had a very bad idea, this erroneous vision often in other article radiates. �� Compiled by �� after July 1933, Einstein transformed this absolute anti-war stance, and actively called for armed antifascist forces to fight against fascism of armed aggression. See 1933, 20 July to A. panaon letter. �� Compiled by "this article was originally published in 1930 and published in the Forum and the century" (Forum andcentury), volume 84, 193-194 pages, "Forum" series of 13 kinds of modern philosophy ". At that time, the use of the title is "my faith" (What Ibelieve). �� Would compile to is part of the commemoration of the Einstein asked, Zhao neutral, Xu liangying series, Shanghai Science and technology publishers, 1979 Edition. (Lecture): culture of independent work and independent thinking people in commemoration of the day, it's often necessary to recall the past, especially to miss those due to the development of cultural lifeSpecial honor. This is our forefathers observances are indeed indispensable, particularly because this is the best thing of the past, will certainly encourage this kind of people who go to the brave struggle. But this kind of memory should be grew up in this country and familiar with its last person to do, and should not be such a task to a Gypsy Rover and as from a wide range of countries to collect his experience. So, I can say is beyond space and time conditions, but with the education of the past and future are always related to some of the issues. For this a try, I can't claim to authority, particularly since the era of intelligent kindhearted people have discussed the issues of education, and undoubtedly has repeatedly made it clear they clearly on this issue. In the field of education, I am a layman, apart from personal experience and personal beliefs, my opinion on no other basis. So what is it with me and have the courage to express these views? if this is really a science issue, perhaps because such considerations do not wish to speak. But for dynamic human affairs are concerned, the situation is different, and here, knowledge of the truth alone is not enough; on the contrary, if you do not lose this knowledge, you have to keep on working hard to keep it regularly updated. It's like a monument in the desert of marble like any time the risk of being buried in sand. In order to make it always shining in the Sun, you must constantly ground with brushed wipe and maintenance. I am willing to work hard for this work. School has always been the traditional wealth from one generation to the next generation of the most important institutions. Compared with the past, even today. Due to the development of modern economic life, the family as a tradition and commitment to education, has been weakened. So compared to previous years, the continuation of human society and sound to a higher degree of relying on the school. Sometimes, the school simply as a tool that relies on it to get the maximum amount of knowledge to grow up in a generation. But this view is not correct. Knowledge is dead, and the school have to be living services. It should be useful in developing those young people to public welfare quality and talent. But that doesn't mean you should destroy the personality, enabling individuals to become mere social tools, like a bee or ants. Because no individual ingenuity and individual volunteer uniform specifications for members of the community, would be an unfortunate development possible. On the contrary, the school's objective should be to foster independent and the independent, these people to serve society as their highest value of life. As far as I can judge the scope, the United Kingdom school system is the closest to this ideal. But people should be how to strive to meet this ideal? is the reason you want to use to achieve this goal? is not. Words can never be empty, and leads to the destruction of roads and more about ideal always. But the personality must rely on hear and speak the words but by labor and action. Therefore, the most important educational method always encourages students to action. Initial enrollment of children first learn to write is true, the graduate writing doctoral dissertations, simply write a poem Merton, write a composition, interpretation and translation of a text, a math topic, or in the practice of sport, as well. But behind every success there is a driving force, it is the basis of the achievements, and in turn, the plan's implementation also allows it to grow and strengthen. Here is a great difference between, on the relationship between the school's educational value. The same work, can be a terrorist and force, and the pursuit of prestige honor to win, can also be a sincere interest in an object, and the pursuit of truth and understanding the desire, or each healthy children have talent and curiosity, is this curiosity very early recession. The same work is complete, the impact of education for students can vary greatly, depending on the promotion of work is mainly due to the fear, the pain is selfish desires, or the pursuit of happiness and satisfaction. No one would think that school of management and the attitude of teachers in shaping students ' psychological basis has no effect. I thought for school, the worst, is largely intimidation, violence and human authority these approaches to work. This would hurt the feelings of the students ' health, honest and confident; it produces a submissive man. Such schools in Germany and Russia become usage; in Switzerland, as well as almost all countries of democratic management. The school is not affected by this scourge of the worst in all of the scourge invasion, it was relatively simple. Only allow teachers to use as few force means, so that teachers and students on becomes the esteem of the teachers, the only source. The second motivation is to win, or to put it mildly, is expected to receive recognition and respect, rooted in the human nature. No such mental stimulation, human cooperation is not possible; a man want to get his wish of similar approval, certainly the community for him one of the largest binding. But in this complex feelings, constructive and destructive forces closely intertwined. Request for recognition and approval of desire is a healthy motives; but if you ask others to recognize oneself than classmates and partners more clever, more powerful or more intelligent, it's easy to produce extreme selfishness of mental state, which are harmful to the individual and society. Therefore, schools and teachers willIt should be noted that prevent to guide students work hard and use that will cause the individual to win the simplistic approach. Darwin's survival of the competition and with it the choice theory, is cited by many as a basis for encouraging the spirit of competition. Some people also to such means to prove the individual pseudoscience this destructive economic competition of inevitability. But this is wrong, because the people in the struggle for life, full of strength lies in the fact that he is a leading a social life of the animal. Just like an Ant Ant-die in fighting between the factions in what is necessary for the survival of the human society in the situation between members. Therefore, it must prevent the habits of success as a goal to young people. Because a successful person from others is always made over his incomparably on their contributions. However one's value should be from his contribution, and not see him how much of that can be achieved. At school and in life, work by the most important motive for work and the work of the results, as well as on the results of social value. Inspire and strengthen the young people of these mental strength, I think that this is the school's most important tasks. Only such a psychological basis, in order to boot a pleasant wishes to pursue the highest wealth �� knowledge and artistic skills. To inspire the creative mind can, of course, not like the use of brute force or arouse personal win as easily, but also because of this, it is more valuable. Key in the development of children's innocence and love of the game and get others praise naive desire to guide them to the needs of the community to participate in important areas. The Education Foundation is a desire that wants effective mobility and the gratitude of the people. If the school from the viewpoint of this victory, it accomplished the task would be growing generation of highly respected, school regulations of course would be to receive them as gifts. I know some of the children's learning than on holiday also favorite. Such a school teacher in his bank to become an artist. In order to be in school in the habit of this spirit, we are able to do what this point, just as there is no way you can make a person always healthy, panacea does not exist. But there are certain necessary conditions are met. First of all, teachers should grow up in such schools. Secondly, the choice of teaching materials and teaching methods, should give teachers great freedom. Because the force and external pressure, undoubtedly will kill him in the arrangement of his work is fun. If you always listen to my ideas, so there's something maybe you feel strange. I talked about in detail, I think that what should be to teach young people the spirit. But I did not speak to the curriculum, nor does it speak to the teaching methods. For example, what should be in the language, or to the professional education of science? on this subject I answer: as I see it, these are minor. If young people through gymnastics and hiking activities training a muscle and strength endurance, later he would fit any manual labor. Mental training, as well as on the intellectual and craft skills exercises are also similar. Therefore, the humorous people really put it very well, so to define education: "if people forget they have learned in the school of everything, then stay is education. "Is this reason that I comply with classical literature and history education system with the focus on natural science education debate between those who are not eager to favour which party. On the other hand, I also opposed the school as it should be direct transfer of expertise and in later life skills directly to that point. Life is too diverse, and is unlikely to allow schools to adopt this specialized training. Apart from this, I also think it should be opposed to the death of the individual as a tool. The goal of the school should always be young people leaving it with a harmonious personality, not make him a specialist. In my opinion, that in some sense, even if the school is correct, although its students to engage in is completely determined by the professional. Schools should always consider the development of independent thinking and judgment of general ability in the first place, and not to acquire expertise in the first place. If a person got the basis for his subject, and learn how to think and work independently, you will certainly find your own path, but compared to that of its major training lies in detail knowledge people come, he will be better adapted to the progress and changes in conclusion, I would like to stress once again, here mentioned, although somewhat points absolutely certain, in fact, I did not want to call it than individuals with more meaning. While making these observations, in addition to his students and teachers of accumulated experience there is something else to do his. (Lecture): exploring the motivations �� Einstein in 1918 April in Berlin physical society organized by Max Planck �� 60-year-old birthday celebration speech. The script was originally published in 1918, published in celebration of the Max Planck �� 60 birthday: Germany physics lectures. 1932 Einstein will this anthology slightly varying, as the Max Planck Institute for the sciences to where to go? ", the preamble. (This article is selected from the Einstein Act, the commercial press, 1976) temples in science there are many houses, who lives in it is varied, and guide them to go there really motivated. There are many people so like science, because science beyond the ordinary to their intellectual pleasure, science is their own special entertainment, they seek this kind of entertainment in a lively experience and on their own ambitions to meet; in the templeIn addition there are a lot of people so that their intellectual product of dedication at the altar, as a purely utilitarian purposes. If God came with Angel all belong to both categories of people are out there, then gathered there will be significantly reduced, but still some people who stay in it, one of the ancients and moderns. Our Planck is one, and this is what we so love him. I understand that we have just in the imagination of the expulsion of many excellence casually, and they have been building science Temple great perhaps is the main contribution; in many cases, we will find the angels are difficult to make a decision. But one thing I can say for sure, if there was only the expulsion of the two kinds of people, then this temple will never exist, as only the perpetually won't make the same forest. Because, for these people, if any of the areas of human activity are doing; they become engineers, government officials, businessmen or scientists, depends entirely on the environment. Now let's look at those Angels favourite. Most of them are quite quirks, quiet and lonely man, but in spite of these common features, in fact they are very different among themselves, not as eviction that many people are similar. What put them into the temple to? this is a problem and cannot generally be answered in one sentence. First of all, I agree with Schopenhauer (Schopenhauer) said, bring people to the art and science of one of the strongest motive is to escape the daily life of offensive or vulgar and make people desperate to get rid of boring, people own erratic shackles of desire. A culture of people always have desire to escape the personal life into objective perception and thinking of the world; this desire is like the city of people eager to escape the noisy crowded environments, and to enjoy the quiet of the mountains seem to live, where through the silence and pure air, you can freely view, intoxicated that seems to be designed for the eternal peace of mind. In addition to this negative motivation, there is also a positive motivation. People always want to take the most appropriate way to draw a picture of a simplified and easy to understand the world; so he tries to use his world system (cosmos) instead of the experience of the world, and to conquer it. This is a painter, poet, philosopher and natural scientists thought, they are his own way to do it. Each one of the world system and its components as his emotional life of pivot so that it found him in the personal experience of narrow scope cannot find peace and stability. Theoretical physicist world images in all of these possible image occupies what status? it describes various relationship possible meet the highest standards of precision, this standard only in the language of mathematics. On the other hand, the physicist for his theme must be very carefully controlled: he must meet to describe our experience in the most simple events. Theoretical physicist with the required precision and logical completeness to reproduce all the more complex events, this is not a human intelligence capabilities. High degree of purity, clarity and certainty to integrity. With them, it is possible with the help of simple deduction that all natural processes (including life) description, that is drawn on the process of theory, as long as this deduction procedure was not too much beyond the capacity of human reason. Therefore, the physicist abandons his world system integrity, it's not that a little fundamental principle. Physicist's highest mission is to get those who universal basic laws, thus the world system with simple deduction. To lead to these laws, there is no logical way that only through that resonate with the experience to understand the basis of intuition, to get these laws. Because of this uncertainty methodology, one can assume that there will be many similarly tenable theory physical systems; this view in theory is correct. However, the development of Physics shows that at one time, in all conceivable construct, one looked much else is brilliant. Any real in-depth studies on this issue, do not deny that uniquely determines the theoretical system, is actually a world phenomenon, although phenomenon and their theoretical principles and illogical bridge, Leibniz (Leibnitz) very pertinent articulate "harmony" and thereafter. Physicists often blame on epistemologists fails to give sufficient attention. I think that a few years ago, Mach and Planck's polemic between the roots lies in this. Eager to see this kind of harmony, and thereafter was endless perseverance and patience. We see that the plank is therefore dedicated to the science of the most common problem, not a distraction to make them more enjoyable and easy to achieve. I often hear colleagues tried to keep his attitude is attributable to extraordinary strength of will and spirit, but I think this is wrong. Encourage people to do the work of the mental state is the same religion or love of one's mental state similar to; they do not come from the daily efforts of deliberate intent or plan, but directly from passion. Our beloved Planck sits here, I feel like a child with Diogenes Lantern fun. We love do not need to be clich��. Wishes him the love of science to continue to illuminate the road ahead of him, and guided him to solve today's most important physics. This issue was raised by his own, and in order to solve the problem he had already done a lot of work. I wish him success in his theory of quantum electrodynamics, with mechanical unified in a single logical system.

