�� I want to lose weight, I want to lose weight �� _ 7700 Princess
First week: first day 1. appetite to usual appetite of 2/3. three meals a day. : 2. taking a days. Or eating meat and vegetables, and eat rice mixed with. Either eat vegetables and rice, a day will not be able to touch meat ~ 3. breakfast milk and eggs together with an Apple. You can get up when some honey water, promote gastrointestinal peristalsis. (If the surface you want to eat for breakfast, the day will not be able to eat meat. ��4.�в����ѡ�����ʳ���ͳ�һС��������Ҫװ��װ��2/3�ͺ�һ5.������߲˿�����ѡ���ȳ��߲ˣ�����ܰ��߲˳Ե��뱥�� Before starting together to eat vegetables and rice. Rice to try to eat less. If you want to distribute it to the attention of staple foods. You can eat some vegetables, more variety, the better. Vegetable Fried fried when not too long, and should not be placed too much oil speculation. Can eat vegetable salad or shredded vegetables is better. Eat fruit after meal. If meals are hungry. Or eat more belly filled with Apple. You cannot eat grape Ah cantaloupe so sweet fruit fruit