
Dandong city 2008-Soccer Championship opening up _ Socrates

On the occasion of the national people celebrate the Olympic Games, by Dandong municipality and City Football Association jointly presented the 2008 Championship 7-5 April in youth Plaza began, there were 13 team competed in this competition will last two months. This competition organizing Committee Chairman, Dandong city Football Association Executive Vice Chairman, Dandong fans Club President 19. Jiang Ning at the opening scene interview, said that during the Olympic torch was lit at and "sport and the Olympic Games" for inspiration, I held such competitions, is the city's 70 million people celebrate the Olympic Games an event, we the people of Dandong, stay in the Olympic Games. : Famous fans leaders, Dandong city fans Club, Vice President, Dandong kuandian fans Club President of Socrates on behalf of the city speech, we fans fans Dandong made a carefully prepared, Olympic Games, we will organize Dandong fans cheer mission to Beijing, to our athletes cheers! Olympic Games, we are ready, we look forward, we hail!

