
【 Ling feng. image 】-nest football "United Kingdom Birmingham VS Beijing Guoan" _ Ling Feng image

2010 July 21 held late in the bird's nest, United Kingdom Birmingham football game at the Beijing Guoan, although I'm not a huge fan, but such opportunities or has not spared that eventually went to the scene. That day the weather is not very hot, but sitting on a layer below the seat, or very hot; may be a working day, at the beginning of the game were also not many, but not to the races, a quarter of people much like ... It is strange that the match should have no camera, the scene is very difficult to judge, can only be by virtue of their Jersey to judge both sides of the color and the hot weather, in the first half ended left; no sooner heard, Beijing Guoan 1: 0 lost to each other, silent ... Some miscellaneous pieces, as Memorial! all the film is D80 + 85/1.8D shooting! ... 1p:入场门票2p:地面上座位排号3p:整齐干净的血红色座椅4p:我就在这里,D区5p:现场标语:心连心,爱无界6p:现场标语:7p:现场标语:8p:现场球迷9p:双方球队进场10p:双方球队进场 11p:点球12p:比赛中 此时场上比分依旧为0:013p:现场没有视频直播,只能通过这家伙来克服啦!…… 14p: on-site at the ball of elderly couples, see this scene, maybe can think ? 15p: site security 16p: police escort, on-site security very much in place 17p: Guoan dyed-in-the-wool fans: with Y die head 18p: headed home!

