
Talk about football playing black thing _ Xiaohong Costa

Category: marine scene this is affected by <体育报>打黑重拳系列评论的启发,才想起来要写的一个话题.之前阅读了<缘牵天下>中的数篇博文,对大部分博文作了鼓励性地加精,要说的话有很多,但又不知从何说起,于是简明扼要地提了一点意见,我总是不明白,能够很简单就表达的东西,干嘛要下笔千言呢?千里百合留言说,晓宏哥回访太少,这是我的软肋.老实说,我一向不喜欢在网上长时间阅读,眼睛会因此不舒服,还有一个就是怕受不良情绪的影响.这就如同看电视,一看到有情绪不对头的内容,就立马换台一样.我对足球的印象一直都不大好.原因是很小的时候,就从<参考消息>上看到,前苏联遥控足球的丑闻.他们不光是控制足球进门,而且还控制得分牌,因为两者不同步,即球还未进门框,得分牌上就已经显示得分,于是在全世界的注视下穿帮了.有一帮自认为足球踢得不错的战友,喜欢自称是明星队,而我们这些不怎么玩足球的人,也就心甘情愿当杂牌军了.但是,明星队的球员们个个都想得分,结果反被我们这些行不郎当的人打败了.因为踢足球,我的两条腿都受过伤,南方天气很热,伤口容易感染,所以几个月都还不了原,直到现在,小腿上都有当年的伤痕存在,是涂蓝汞产生的后果.所以,每每听到有人说明星队这三个字,心里就很反感,恨不得把耳朵永远地塞起来.2006年的夏天,我在闸北时,徐谷一常喜欢和我猜球,哪只队赢,比分多少什么的,最后结算下来,他还差我一顿酒.他的头部曾因车祸受过伤,所以形成了酒精依赖.他的家人竭力反对我同他喝酒,我的第一部手机失落就与他有关,按道理,他应该赔一部手机给我的,但我没计较这事.就在那段时间,有个温州人,自己手头有六千多万的本钱,加上别人从各个渠道吸收上来的赌资,大概有三四亿元的样子,因为猜球失误,将钱输了个精光,最后跑到国外避风去了.也是在那段时间,有一个做贷款的熟人对我说,西藏南路鲁班路附近有套精装修的房子,当年的价格是150多万,他们只要我出90万的现金就可将房子拿下来.现在那套房子早已超过300万了,因为房主赌球输了,贷款没法偿还,所以熟人设法将它尽快处理了好平账.据从迪拜回来的小窦说,同机上有位旅客,因为赌球输得神志不清了.我平时很少看<体育报>,尤其对中国足球很失望.在很偶然的情况下,从<辽沈晚报> reporter Liu and built in the Red column of text, know a little play black thing. China is so big, that culture is not a decent team, I think the unthinkable-I don't think China can the human body, but not the heart of the State spent so much money, as a result of not sports talent, but a villain like the black sheep of the family, brother dismay Xiaohong. There are numerous students work cannot be found, and the game of football, but never heard of anyone who was gang-they still feel good with joy, who? anyway, this time in the football playing black, regardless of whether, or in order to become a mere formality assuaged, should give people an idea of the country, we are far haven't Fu to play with money drakes anymore. If it keeps Gregory team, where to stand still as many take some hope primary school, in children reading, learn more about a few Chinese characters, this is far better than lose a scandal in the world to have much meaning is harmonious society now, but it does so on some ugly phenomena, sit, this situation persists, the good people of non-sense will be demoralized, isn't it?

