
Win the adventures of PO 1-4_ monk with floating flexible

Click to see: Raiders http://v.youku.com/v_show/id_xmjmwmte4ndq=.html magical realm adventures http://v.youku.com/v_show/id_xmtk4nja2nja=.html crusade http://v.youku.com/v_show/id_xmja5ndq4nty=.html Crystal head http://v.youku.com/v_show/id_xmjkzmti2njg=.html film WINS Po adventures 1: Raiders [edit this] ◎ translation WINS Po adventures 1: Raiders (Indiana Jones and the Ark ·) ◎ titles Of The Raiders Lost Ark ◎ 's 1981 ◎ ◎ class action States United States/English language adventure ◎ ◎ duration 115 Min ◎ Director Steven Spielberg · Steven Spielberg ◎ starring Harrison Ford · Harrison Ford ... Indy Karen · Alan Karen Allen ... Marion Ravenwood John · Ferraris-David John Rhys-Davies .... Sallah Alfred · Molina Alfred Molina .... Satipo Denholm Elliott · Denholm Elliott .... Dr. Marcus Brody Anthony Higgins · Anthony Higgins .... Gobler Paul · Paul Freeman of the Freeman .... Dr. Rene Belloq ¡ò introduction · Indiana Jones is a University Professor of archaeology, one day, the United States military to find him, they cracked a report on "the Ark" Germany, "the Ark" telegram is used to hold God gave the Jews "ten commandments" original slate. United States military faction Jones to Cairo, first as a strong, he used a unique measurement tools — one with the Red Crystal brass cap and run together "the Ark" was found. One night, Jones in local Egypt with the help of a friend, "the Ark" exhumed, unfortunately they were France archaeologists discover belecke, Germany who took the "Ark" in an island, "the Ark" has finally been opened to those who see Germany themselves should not be seen, so God's wrath! "death God" from the "Ark" out all present Germany and belecke jabesh. Fortunately, Jones and moisten with closed eyes. Later, Jones "the Ark" to the United States military, "the Ark" is properly saved. ◎ Scenes: this was in 1981 Oscar best first, best art director, best editing, best sound, special achievement award and nomination. This piece is called movie history "action movie classics" for two reasons: first, from the film begins, the world discovered this called Spielberg (StevenSpielberg) people in the future of cinema. Second, this produces the most of human history of the cinema box office stars hit--Harrison. Ford (HarrisonFord). ◎ Snapshots: · Tom · sirich is Steven Spielberg's Indiana Jones for the role of the second candidate. Harrison · Ford is preferred, but George · Lucas because Ford appeared in the United States Ristorante AmericanGraffiti (1973) and Star Wars Star Wars (1977). · Inti in the Valley with a portable rocket launcher threatened to destroy the Ark of the testimony of this scenario, the can in the Star Wars Star Wars (1977), you can see the same Canyon · in Tunisia. In shooting Well ofSouls scenario, producer party search in London every pet shop and they can be found in the South of England each snake. So you can see from the Snake is obviously come from many different regions. However, even though there's a snake in front of the lens used, or not enough, Stephen · Spielberg had to find some hoses, put them into several segments, while in dine. IfLook carefully, you can discover what is really the snake, which is false. · at Ford was truck trailers, behind the scenes, he put his ribs hurt, injury is serious. · when Harrison · Ford fell Well ofSouls when he and a bow by (and is highly toxic) there is a piece of glass between the Cobra. Cobra really the glass spray a venom. · 1981 · annual box-office champion. By Convention, George · Lucas film release, he would stay away from all commotion outside holiday. Star Wars Star Wars (1977) on the eve of the upcoming exhibition, Lucas · by Stephen Spielberg's invitation went to Hawaii. When the film's box office looks after the great success within reach, Lucas felt relaxed and began and his friends to talk about something else. Is that Spielberg admitted he directed a James Bond movie ·, Lucas told him a better proposal--one named "WINS Po Cavalry" movie. This conversation occurs when two people are faced with a sand Castle. After the end of the trip, they get together, and Lawrence Kasdan · explore · despite screenplay. · George Lucas and Steven Spielberg movies · behind the composition of the dream team, most started or are all the Hollywood studios rejected. After much persuasion only promised after paramount. · Stephens · Spielberg directed at United Kingdom's first movie. · Indiana Jones Hat comes from the famous · film Indiana Jones beat fly wings of pilots that scene, then all the stunt is ill. Producer Frank Marshall · agreed to allow him to play. This he really is a huge challenge, spent three days, most of the time he must sit in a driver's cockpit, to know the inside temperature of over 100 degrees. ◎ Wear help lens: · display error: Inti escape from the cellar, pushed to the wall of stone, the stones fell to the ground, when to play up. · staff visible: Inti the wall stones away ready to escape from the cellar, from external has a close-up is being introduced to the stones. In the next screen, when Inti and Marion climb out, you can see in the previous scene vision where you have a staff of squatting there (probably the photographer). · display error: explosion at the bottom of the truck is fitted with a poles so that you can make it over. · era error: (Germany) schmeisser-machine guns--film use to many parts of the gun, model of semi-automatic is MP-40 (1940 models); Germany with pistol is P-38 (1938 style), are not likely to use in 1936. · era errors: display the Inti flight path map contains Thailand, which was supposed to be known as Siam (Thailand's old said). · plot loopholes: 1936, Egypt is in the United Kingdom under the rule, Germany who cannot, as the film that launched massive military operations. coherence: · in Inti siege in the Well of Souls, the Bay Lodge hat from his head to the ground. · factual errors: in the Well of Souls innermost snake from various different places in the world. · display error: Inti and glass wall between the Cobra. This point in the 2003 version of the DVD be rubbed off. error: · bellocci car driver hit him in the Bay Lodge before retreating. · display error: truck following digging a ditch, so you can let the Inti from the following sliding past. coherence: · the truck Chase scene, Germany soldiers hit the Indian arm, he and several hit him, in Germany the soldiers fingers sometimes see Inti's blood, sometimes disappear. · geography errors: in the first scenario, the can in Peru's jungle hear is not a native bird sounds of South America, more like a Kookaburra (Australian native of a bird). · coherence: Marion first entered the flying wings, with bricks hit the pilot, she sat in the driver's seat and locked. After a few minutes, we can see her sitting in the gunner's seat. coherence: Indiana · riding horses leap on Germany's driver's seat of a door, he originally horse also run next to the car, the next lens, the horse had disappeared. Film WINS 2: magical realm Darling-treasure adventures [edit this] 【 title 】 【 translation 】 Indiana.Jones.and.the.Temple.of.Doom WINS Po 2: the adventures of the adventures of magical realm (Indiana Jones and the mogong ·) 【 s 】 【 national 】 1984 United States 【 category】 adventure/action/drama 【 language 】 【 Director 】 English Steven Spielberg Steven Spielberg 【 starring 】 · Harrison Ford ... Dr. Henry 'Indiana' Jones, Jr.Kate Capshaw .... Wilhelmina 'Willie' ScottAmrish Puri .... Mola RamRoshan Seth .... Chattar Lal, Prime Minister to MaharajaPhilip Stone .... Captain BlumburttRoy Chiao .... Lao Che 【 brief】 Lucas film, co-produced by paramount movie company, is the Indiana Jones adventure trilogy series in the second set. After following the adventures of seizing treasures · Stephen Spielberg and George Lucas · together to undertake again, part story, leads to another exciting, thrilling adventures. Harrison · Ford again starred archaeologist Indiana · Dr. Jones. He and a night club singer and a 12-year-old named RAND children came to an Indian village. Village people tell them, since the Ankara Holystone stolen after evil God often harassed here, away from their children. In order to save hundreds byMysterious worship ritual servitude of children and find out the secrets of Ankara Holystone, Jones scraped at stand ... Film wins 3: the adventures of Po and the last crusade [edit this] ◎ translation from Po to war 3: the last crusade (Indiana Jones and the Holy Grail ·) ◎ Indiana Jones title and the Last Crusade ◎ 's 1989 ◎ ◎ national United States category action ◎ language English ¡ò duration 126 min ◎ Director Steven Spielberg · Steven Spielberg ◎ starring Harrison Ford · Harrison Ford ... Indiana Jones · Sean Connery Shawn Connally .... Professor Henry Jones · Denholm Elliott Denholm Elliott .... Dr. Marcus Brody · Alison Doody du du-Alison ... Dr. Elsa Schneider John · Ferraris-David John Rhys-Davies .... Sallah Julian Glover · Julian Glover .... Walter Donovan ◎ brief story in 1938 Theravada that Jones and the father according to the notes on the written records, look for the legend of Jesus at the last supper is the Holy Grail. Because of the legendary Holy Grail have cured any wounds of magic, caught the eye follows Germany na, sent out a the beauty female spy Dr. Aisha Xue Denis, take advantage of beauty and add compels Jones produce notes. Jones and his son found Aisha after charges of attempted honed will take notes, go to the temple for the Holy Grail, but after that, simply trailing in and shot Jones's father, a bitter battle after fleeing na entanglement, simply. Thought nothing of Jones hurried to the Holy Grail scoop water cure father, but I didn't expect there to snatch before Aisha Holy Grail ... Behind the scenes making: this is the Indiana Jones adventure series · the third set. This outdoor experiences of the six countries on three continents. Movie from beginning to end, adventure, tension, strange feeling, humorous interest. From the underground fire attack, Lake yacht, driving machine flies to wrong for the Holy Grail, physical corruption, Visual effects peculiar, very vivid stunts. Film WINS 4 Po Adventures: Crystal Skull [edit this] WINS Po and the adventures of 4Indiana Jones Kingdom of the CrystalSkull (2008) Director: Steven Spielberg cast: · Harrison · Ford, Kate · Blanchette, Hiab · la elbeuf, Ray · Winston, Karen · Alan release: paramount North American premiere: 2008 year, 22 may expect index: ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ 9 (10 star full) Synopsis: 19 years after the Indiana Jones series · finally return to the screen — to wait any longer, I'm afraid to ask young people in the audience what is best adventure movie, they mostly just for that the Pirates of the Caribbean "," national treasure "," the Mummy ". This situation obviously, uncle does not want to see, since 2002, to finally get his trilogy "also" (the Star Wars Episode Series) or the return of the Indiana Jones of the cast out · output, otherwise it is against my company this summer most should see nothing known North American fans. To keep the aging and Jones series, this set the synchronization time setting also made by ago 1938 on the eve of World War II to delay the early cold war in 1957, thus picking contaminating beam of Kate · Blanchette logically make up for "the Soviet female spy" — and then entertaining common era (such as the Victorian times, World War II, contemporary, from now on the near future, etc.) of the historical background of serious disagreement, on the Indiana Jones 4: · Crystal Skull on the box office will influence how? not accomplished. Although in Indiana and Marion's still my Foundation, more small and poor child Hiab · coraboeuf came to succession, but such a historical and cultural aspects of adventure elements (script [vision]) and the Visual effect of CG times (technology) for maximum points of summer starring giant system, it has a back seat. Another important setting is the title of "Crystal Skull", even in more than ten years ago in the computer game the great navigation age 2 "is expensive for A level of discovery from (but not the highest * level), the well-known nature cannot be underestimated. But today, the South of the Mayan civilization is still considered attractive full? in particular in the enlightenment and the prehistoric ten thousand years of successive appearance (which also enabled the pyramids like the Mayan mode). Moreover, the relative coverage mystery of singular antiquities, more modern people seem to love with intuitive one box of diamonds, a gold coin, a cellar treasures curios? this is the second concerns the "extra"--expect the Crystal Skull "by virtue of ornate box office record for serious doubts. Dress from Po adventures [edit this] in the United States, Spain, Japan, Korea, Hong Kong, Taiwan and other parts of the world a new emerging retail format, this is the brand name outlet store (OUTLETS). OUTLET features: brand, quality, generally 1-5% off the original price of ultra low price, has truly embody best consumer crowd favorite at all levels. Brand discount merchandise in Europe and the United States has reached the customer's total annual shopping 1/3, in recent years, this trade in Southeast Asia are ferocious, and a big trend prevalent. Today, the renowned industry WINS Po BeachSoldiers brand clothing outlet store (TOPKEEPINGOUTLETS) to prosper attitude in China, a traditional and innovative apparel marketing wars is played out ... The adventures of Po "WINS" (TOPKEEPING) is the flagship brand Chimei strategy, product and service marks, and the 2001 successfully registered in mainland China. Good brand have inherent meaning, wins the adventures of Po-English name of "TOP" as the vertex, first, and Supreme status of the "KEEPING", to keep the two separate TOPKEEPING words, literal translation for long stays at the top of a dominant position, which means the continuous pursuit of excellence in brand connotation. By "TOPKEEPING" English pronunciation will take its transliteration for "the adventures of Po and vivid," relevance is the perfect combination. In the operation of the brand in the 21st century, a good name on success, you can try the adventures of the treasure of the "win" and other brands together, or a street on several different brands of clothing stores, it is easy to remember more often than win the adventures of Po. "

