World revolutionary base hymn — model on three _ mang Ling Tong
世界革命根据地的赞歌——样板戏漫议之三邙岭童08.8.13。 Summary: this article. 样板戏的赞颂;二。 The collapse of colonial architecture, the imperialist washing; 3. Capitalism cleanse, renew, Digger is enlisted. Anti-revisionist struggle few forgotten his ancestral, five. 相逢一笑泯恩仇一.样板戏的赞颂对于中国作为世界革命的根据地,样板戏是这样赞颂的。 In the harbour ": high Chi yang in order to support the world revolution, the Chinese working class under the knife Hill, are not afraid of the sea, several packages have been what?! party Hai Zhen (heroic) comrades, this rice and wheat, each package and the anti-imperialist struggle of the African people closely connected; they struggle to we are the strong support. Now the Nordic ship is carrying dangerous goods in glass. Rush when you want to pay special attention. The tight schedule, the task to. We are armed with Marxism-Leninism, Mao Zedong thought up by the Chinese working class, the fear, the difficulties which formed can move a mountain! high Chi yang we guarantee ... Hai Zhen Fang (sincere) remember? before liberation, you, I just pick up the pier when coal workers, are also not a coal shovels. Think about the past, what we eat? think of how many people in the world, leads a dog day? (excitedly) now they want to break the shackles, liberation, pick up a gun and fight imperialism, need the support of the people of the world revolution; and their struggle for us imperialism is the strong support! for our mutual support, the enemy must do everything possible to destroy. Neighbor, we cannot assume nothing, only heard the sound of the machine, hear the class enemy swish of Fok Fok! party Hai Zhen (Chang lang) Chairman Mao teaches us: to completely and thoroughly to all Chinese people, service, services for people throughout the world, this is our highest ideals. (Sing) all over the world follow the awakening of consciousness, leftwe people. Mao Zedong thought Dongfeng delivery, new China resound in the battle, the sound. Fire and steel fighters have emerged. Huang Jiguang, teaches law Shing, Mr root SI, Qiu shaoyun ... Anti-American Emperor expansion to the people's heroic carried forward the spirit of internationalism! thousands hero said, we want to--they devote oneself to the world revolution, the struggle for life. Do a never rusts of screws, this is the revolutionary big breast, brilliant youth! Ode to the longjiang: " British River Palm mountain blocking your eyes! (singing) raised his head, chest, forward looking forward. MO teaching "slap" the eye. Sihai Fengyun chest Pack. To see how many slaves in the world, not the number of poor in the liberation of famine, the number of sisters of persecution, how many brothers and picking up a gun. How many sisters of persecution, how many brothers and picking up a gun. Mankind was liberated. Buried emperors built against humanity was liberated. Let the revolution's red flag insert again the Quartet, plug in the times square, plug in times square, high flies! etc. Here to tell people, China as the world's revolutionary base area meaning is: 1. how many slaves worldwide "was not liberated." The popular saying that two-thirds of the world's population, with the exception of the Socialist camp is outside. 2. the anti-imperialist, gun fight with imperialism. 3. revolution rolled out 4. national revolution needs China support, they also support in China. 5. advocates dedicated to world revolution. 6. do never rust screws. 7. buried Emperor repaired anti in addition, you have to add that some of the mainstream media meaning: 1. leaders thought is "imperialism to crash, the victory of socialism to the world of" borrowed time. 2. China has become a new era in the center of the world revolution and base. 3. the Chinese revolution "from rural roads encircling the cities", universal significance. Contain, from the global, surrounded from the third world is "world". This personal experience of the cultural revolution after a point, people are familiar with. The above point, bring it now looks very funny, most of them. But some problems, but also from historical conditions, for analysis. "Buried Emperor repair anti", is a program that needs to be expanded for analysis. R > 2. colonial system collapse, imperialism washed first to see the collapse of colonial architecture in the world. After World War II the oppressed peoples and national liberation, forming a climax. Because 1. collapse of the fascist state, to suffer from these countries, the colonial domination and exploitation, and semi-colonial, brought national liberation of opportunity; 2. World War II, the UK, France, the old colonial rule, thus weakening the power to block the national liberation movement of development; 3. during the second world war, the Western powers have relaxed the control of the colony and semi-colonial, the total amount of capital and commodity output significantly reduced. In contrast, imports from the colonies and semi war materials and supplies is multiplied by the total amount, so that these countries the power of the national bourgeoisie and have its own requirements and wishes more strongly; 4. after World War II, the scope of a State Socialist breakthrough, in Eastern Europe, Asia and Latin America to form one system has greatly contributed to the colonies and semi national liberation struggle. For these reasons, in the last century, 40, 50 's, the formation of the national liberation movement's climax, the colonial system of rapid disintegration º¡¾1¡¿. For further details, see under the table: national independence timetable º¡¾1¡¿country name gained independence time (years) Indonesia Philippines 1945 1946 Burma's 1950 India 1956 1956 Pakistan Syria Lebanon 1950 1946 1947 Iraq Iran 1952 Algeria Morocco Tunisia 1956 1956 1958 Egypt Guatemala 1954 1952 Cuba 1959 to model popular sixties of last century. World anti-imperialist revolutionary struggle, have already become history. Imperialism was washed away. Thus the so-called "2. Anti-imperialist, gun fight with imperialism. 3. revolutionary consciousness; 4. National revolution needs China support, they also support in China. 5. advocates dedicated to world revolution. "Was released on the day of the air gun, no object. These objectives, the original is otherwise figure, this is way down the line. "Buried Emperor repair anti", is a program for content. 以下展开进行分析三.资本主义洗心革面,焕发活力,掘墓人被招安看看资本主义的历史命运。 The early development of the capitalist mode of production, Marx and Engels found it incurable. But to 1895, Engels in the new situation, issued under a lot of new problems, according to the new situation and experience on previous concluding the revaluation, amended. He made it clear that, in 1848 he and Marx's capitalist society will doom predictions are wrong º¡¾1¡¿. 1916, Lenin in a story breaks, imperialism is the final stage of capitalism, is corrupt, dying capitalism, is on the eve of the proletarian revolution. Engels and Lenin, who said that on? the development of contemporary world history, has made a reply. We take a look. Capitalism has gone through several different stages of development: the ⑴ primitive accumulation stage, the initial form of capitalism; (2) free competition as the main features of the classical form of capitalism,; ⑶ to monopoly as the main character, modern forms of capitalism; ⑷ after World War II to modern form, the new capitalist 【 2】. Because of the inherent contradictions of capitalism had many times of economic crisis. Surprisingly, he is not the crisis, to the modern since World War II, but comes back, the vitality of youth sent to continue the development forward. And has been leading the tide of world economic development. The fact that people see. But the question is, why is that so? at least the following reasons. 1 Socialist trend-. After World War II, is in the world of socialism and capitalism, two major trends of mutual penetration of agitation and mutual development. The form of mutual interactions, from "killing in the cradle," and "world revolution", gradually evolve into a "peaceful coexistence and peaceful competition, peaceful evolution", to "communicate". Their sense of crisis, making mutual interactions of the two forces that are driving history forward 【 3 】. Capitalist countries to jointly tackle the Socialist, has strengthened its complementary role. For example, after World War II United States assistance to the Western Europe, the Council for mutual economic assistance, etc. Also contributed to the development of 【 4 】. Of mutual penetration is to learn from each other (reluctant, unwilling, conscious and unconscious, Frank, shy), peaceful evolution, you have me, I have you in.